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Find the Right Color for Your Skin Tone

This is going to sound strange, but you can actually take a piece of pink material, like a t-sirt, and an orange or yellow material and a tan or beige piece of material, hold them up against your face in the mirror and see what looks better.

Why pink and orange? There are three kinds of red: Blue-Red, Orange-Red and Neutral-Red, also known as Cool, Warm and Neutral. Cool colors are those made with a bit of blue, while warm colors fall into the family of yellows and oranges. Neutral is neither or a combo of both. If you look at a red lipstick, try to imagine if it looks like it's made with a bit of orange, or if there's a bit of blue in there.

Choose which one based on whether the pink or the yellow color next to your face looked better.

From : pintutorials

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